News from Kettlethorpe, Laughterton and Fenton

All that wet spring weather seems to have led to another great blackberry harvest this year, so come for a walk along the hedgerows around Kettlethorpe before it’s too late to fill an punnet or two for summer pudding and blackberry and apple crumble! Or pick some to make bramble jelly – Kettlethorpe’s version of this will centrally be on sale at our Christmas market, which once more St Peter and St Paul’s Church Kettlethorpe will be putting on jointly with St Peter’s Church in Newton-on-Trent – watch later editions of Foss Focus for the date and details.

And meanwhile don’t forget that Harvest Festival at Kettlethorpe will be on October 13th – the service is at 9am with breakfast with bacon butties to follow. We will be making a special collection for the Salvation Army Gainsborough Food Bank – much is needed and donations can be left at the church any time. All dry goods welcome, as well as toiletries. Our specially-made timetables for our local buses and trains (also available at Saxilby library) can be collected whenever you visit.

And sooner still, tickets are selling fast this year again for our concert featuring Steve Walker’s Michael Bublé Tribute Act, with additional Songs through the Decades, which takes place at 7pm on Friday October 4th at St Peter and St Paul’s. The tickets are £10 to include posh nibbles and a glass of wine and are available from Ann Lister ( or 01427 362993) and Barbara Gilbert (

Soonest of all, on September 15th St Peter and St Paul’s is “giving up” one of its Sunday services to take part in a rare joint service at St Peter’s in Torksey, so we hope all our regular worshippers will support this at our regular time of 9am.

If you would like to get involved in the life of our lovely church, please contact Ann Lister  on 01427 362993